Tuesday 11 December 2012

The Legend of Zelda : part 3

Nicki's house was a wonderful place.
It was big, and a whole new place for the golden hamster to explore. But something was still missing: she didn't have a name. And every hamster needed a name.
At the time, Nicki had a game that she liked to play, called the Legend of Zelda. She was very good at it, and so she decided to name the golden hamster Zelda.
Zelda missed her friends at the petstore, and she missed her sister too, but she loved her new home and she didn't want to leave.

Then one day, one of Nicki's friends bought a hamster, too. Her name was Dee, and her hamster looked just like Zelda. When Dee came to visit Nicki, she brought her hamster with her, introducing her as Goldie, and so the two hamsters met. And that was when they discovered; they were sisters.

Holiday Contest!

Here's to the holidays with a very wintery new contest.

Design a christmas card and adress it to one of the characters.
Say a few words about them, and include either a holiday illustration or a drawing of the character you choose.
Contest ends on December 22, 2012 at 12:00pm.
1 entry per person, or entries will be disqualified. All entrants must live in Canada.
Please send all your entries to 4nibblesthehamster@gmail.com by the due date.

THE PRIZE: an all-exclusive mini Nibbles story including the secret hamster, Frost.

Good luck, I can't wait to see all your entries!