Sunday 30 October 2011

Are you a Gold Star?

Have you heard?
Nibbles is introducing an all-new Gold Star format, and you can be a part of it too!
Here's how it works:

Enter a contest or Nibblicious Challenge and recieve a Gold Star.

Yes, it's as simple as that. Just hand in your entry and get a Gold Star in exchange.
So, are you in?

Wednesday 26 October 2011

The very FIRST!

Yes, this is the very first Nibblicious Challenge!

Here are your instructions: Take pictures of your pet (about 4, but the more, the merrier) and fiddle with them a bit, for example, draw on a mustache and goatee. Don't have a pet? find a picture on the internet!

Send your photos to:


Tuesday 25 October 2011

Do you want prizes? Do you want fun?

Then get ready for Nibblicious Challenges!!!

Nibblicious Challenges is a fun, easy way to earn prizes without all the extra contest complications. Or are you just too busy to make an entry, but are eager for prizes? Either way, you're going to love these fun tasks!!!

Just follow the instructions for each challenge, be the first to finish, and voila, you now have a stress-free way to win prizes!

But watch out! You won't be the only one racing to the finish...

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Halloween Contest!

Get ready for the spookiest contest of the year...

YOUR CHALLENGE: send in the scariest story that you can think of.. written by You (no copyrighting)
DETAILS: must be 1-3 pages long, please send to Contest ends on October 30th 2011.
THE PRIZE: exclusive Lala's Haunted Spirit (available only at Halloween)


Tuesday 18 October 2011

Nibbles & friends are celebrating Halloween!

Don't miss all the awesome activities planned so you can celebrate too!
P.S. Be sure to enter the Halloween contest..

Sunday 16 October 2011


The 'MISSING' story contest will be ending in a few days, so if you haven't finished yet, get to it!
I can't wait to read all your entries...

Saturday 15 October 2011

Have you seen my other blogs yet?

If not, you're missing out!

Check out   Inky Tales { } which is my personal writing/ideas corner, full of lots more stories, all written by moi!

And            StyleWatch { } for the fashionistas of the world, see this blog for all the latest trends...


Thursday 6 October 2011

Hello everyone-- long time no post!

I am very sorry to keep all my hamstertastic fans a-waiting, but you'll all be pleased to know I will soon be starting Book 2: The Mystery of Nibbles the Hamster!!! Surely you're just as excited as me?

To make up for all the time lost, I've come up with a great new contest that will hopefully get you all writing for glory, cause I even have an awesome new prize.....

subject: write a short story about the subject MISSING. must be 100 to 800 words long, and please do NOT use my characters or settings.
details: contest ends on October 20, 2011. please send all entries to
prize: Nibbles Prize Pack