Tuesday 29 November 2011

Specialty Contest

To celebrate the wedding, I have prepared a specialty contest in honor of the bride and groom!

YOUR CHALLENGE: tell me your  #1 all-time favourite thing about Nibbles. It can be about the blog,
the books, or anything that has to do with Nibbles. (keep in mind that all your ideas will be added to the Nibbles Golden Treasures book, a memory guide that includes all things Nibbles. If you don't want your entry to be shown in the guide, please tell me)
THE DETAILS: send all entries to 4nibblesthehamster@gmail.com and remember; every time you enter a contest (even specialty contests) you will recieve a Gold Star! [contest open only to residents of Ontario, Canada]
THE PRIZE: the winner of this contest will recieve one signed copy of Nibbles book 2 (not yet released)



ali said...

I luv how u have all this all planned out, running smoothly... it's like u knew exactly what it would be like 3 weeks B4 the wedding!

Dee said...

Thanks, but I sort of did!

ali said...

wow then, u must have been really excited!

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, sounds real fun, may enter it...

Dee said...

oh, please do! just send your entries to 4nibblesthehamster@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I'll reveal who I am on Dec. 25.

Charlotte and Danielle said...

aha! so then you're someone I know..

Dee said...

Hey Anonymous, are you someone from writing club?

ali said...

Not telling... I could be...

ali said...

See, just revealed myself... in Legendarylen time, it's Christmas ...
Legendaryl is where Nick comes from...

ali said...

It's MEEEEEEEEEEEE! ALi the Anonymous! Hey, that sounds good...

ali said...

But I could still be posting as anonymous, now and then, when i wanna...

ali said...

...Or else someone else will be posting as anonymous and you'll think it's me...

ali said...

AHA! See, ya should've paid attention to that last comment I put on this post, it says, ''Or else someone else will be posting as Anonymous and you'll think it's me...'' WHICH ACTUALLY HAPPENED!

ali said...

Hey, when does this contest end, anyways?

ali said...

Helloooooo? When does this contest end?