Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year's!

Just wanting to say; Happy New Year's everyone, I hope you all have a great one...! All Nibbles items are 70% off to celebrate 2012, and we have a small Nibblicious Challenge for those of you whose lives aren't quite as busy as mine... here you go:

YOUR CHALLENGE: write a short story using one of the story-starters at the bottom of this post
THE DETAILS: story must be 1-8 paragraphs, challenge ends on January 6th. Please send your entries to . Challenge open to Canadian residents only. 
THE PRIZE:  you could win 130n !

#1: "Wake up, Nibbles!" Goldie shouts at me. "We have to hurry if we want to get to the beach in time!" I yawn and turn over. Goldie's so persistent.Sometimes I secretly wish she would just....

#2: As I stare up at the cold, gray sky, I think about Zelda, and I wonder where she could be. I do hope we find her soon. If we don't, what will Goldie do? She'd get so upset if she knew what actually happened to Zelda.....

#3: Still holding the dagger, I realize I'm sweating. Goldie and Zelda look so scared, but they know just as well as I do that I've got to do this.  I close my eyes. I can't watch. And then, in a single motion, I swing my arm down, down, down.....

#4: What a perfect day, I think to myself happily. If only my whole life were like this! If only the others were here to see it, it would be even more perfect.I wonder where they are, anyways? No, I musn't think about that right now, I've got to think of happy things, like....


Wednesday 28 December 2011

Finally, a new contest!

Sorry to keep you all waiting-- I know it's been a while since we've had a contest, but here goes;

YOUR CHALLENGE: come up with 10 words to describe one of the characters from the Nibbles Books. Pick your character carefully, you can only choose one! (Extra points if you can make all the words start with the same letter!)
THE DETAILS: contest ends on January 12th, please send all entries to *
THE PRIZE: you could win Goldie's Snowman!

*NOTE: If you attend John Fisher, please give your entry to Cosmo.

Hey, everybody. Listen up!

Have you heard the news? I've got a new blog! Here's what it's all about;

I am Beautiful is a blog for girls who are struggling with all of life's little problems, like grumpy moods and bad hair days. Ever wondered why you feel like you're being punished when you haven't done anything wrong? We've all been there. Find out how to deal, it's just a click away:

Take the time to check it out, I;m sure you'll like it!

Friday 16 December 2011

Come celebrate the holidays with us!

Nibbles and his friends are celebrating Christmas, and we're inviting you to join us!

Starting on December 17, all items are half price, and this blog will be filled with lots of exciting activities, so visit as often as you can!
I'm also going to be posting more of Book 2 soon, so keep checking for that too!

Merry christmas, everyone! ( NOT Happy Holidays)

Thursday 8 December 2011

Book 2; chapter 1 (con.)

                                                                          Chapter 1
                                                             (Nibbles' point of view)

I'm not really sure how I got there-- just standing in the holly bush --when all of a sudden the world was extremely bright, and I closed my eyes. Instinct told me something bad was about to happen, but I couldn't open my eyes; I would be blinded.
From there on, my fate was sealed.
"Get him inside," a gruff voice said. Rough hands grabbed me, and I was tossed into a metal cage.
A high-pitched squealing sound pierced my ears, and I finally opened my eyes. The world was black.   It took a long time for my eyes to adjust, but when they did, realization struck.

***{I will be adding more soon, keep checking!}***

Monday 5 December 2011

Aren't we all just SO excited for Book 2?

Just because you're reading this, I'm giving you a preview of Nibbles Book 2, Chapter 1:

                                                      Chapter  1 
                                                (Nibbles' point of view)

Summer is my favourite time of year. Especially the first day --sometime in July-- when it's warm, the sun is shining, and the children are playing and laughing. This year was no different; it was a beautiful day, warm and sunny, and everything was in it's place.
Everything except me.

Want to read more? Keep checking my blog for the continuation of Chapter 1!