Friday 16 December 2011

Come celebrate the holidays with us!

Nibbles and his friends are celebrating Christmas, and we're inviting you to join us!

Starting on December 17, all items are half price, and this blog will be filled with lots of exciting activities, so visit as often as you can!
I'm also going to be posting more of Book 2 soon, so keep checking for that too!

Merry christmas, everyone! ( NOT Happy Holidays)


ali said...

This is the part where you say, ''ohh ahh' or 'gee whiz!'

Anonymous said...

Ohh ahh

Anonymous said...

Gee whiz

ali said...

Gee whiz!

Anonymous said...


ali said...

Post more nibbles! Everyone who reads this, take up the chant and leave a comment! That comment is: POST MORE NIBBLES!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow you really like nibbles and copy what "Tinea" says and thats weird

Anonymous said...

That's because I am Tinea's alias and who the heck are you anyways?

ali said...

I'm offended. You called me weird and I think you meant it in a mean way.

ali said...

And by the way I have my own blog and Danielle, um, I know you're reading this, so I'll explain...THERE'S A NEW ANONYMOUS! I don't know whether it's hostile or not and it seems like someone who's never met you.

Anonymous said...

oh and I forgot to mention I told my friends now so there will be a lot of comments

Dee said...

Ali, I have a good feeling that this new anonymous is You again!!! If not though, then anonymous please reveal your name.....

ali said...

I'm sick of people thinking that the new anonymous is me, because it isn't, so to stop confusion I'll stop posting as anonymous.

Dee said...

ok thanks, that helps

ali said...

You're welcome