Thursday 8 December 2011

Book 2; chapter 1 (con.)

                                                                          Chapter 1
                                                             (Nibbles' point of view)

I'm not really sure how I got there-- just standing in the holly bush --when all of a sudden the world was extremely bright, and I closed my eyes. Instinct told me something bad was about to happen, but I couldn't open my eyes; I would be blinded.
From there on, my fate was sealed.
"Get him inside," a gruff voice said. Rough hands grabbed me, and I was tossed into a metal cage.
A high-pitched squealing sound pierced my ears, and I finally opened my eyes. The world was black.   It took a long time for my eyes to adjust, but when they did, realization struck.

***{I will be adding more soon, keep checking!}***


Anonymous said...

Oh, this looks sooooooo awesome! It is so good! Post more!

ali said...

I need to win that contest!

Dee said...

thank you! I will be adding some more sometime soon, but if you want to read the whole thing, you should try entering the Specialty Contest!

ali said...

Um...I did.

Anonymous said...

Thx, I might just do that.

ali said...

Add more!Please!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow... this story is as valuable as gold and I want it just as much... only difference is that gold doesn't have cliffhanger endings...

Dee said...

Yes well, the next part of the story will surprise you even more, but I'm not telling..

Anonymous said...

Ohhh does he get... eaten alive? No... captured by the magic hunters? 'Yeah!' No... sold to the pet store...again? Doubtful...

Anonymous said...

Team up with giant bouncing chickens? Very probable. Ahhh, never mind.

ali said...

Well add more then if you won't tell us directly! Or say the winner of the specialty contest!

Dee said...

The specialty contest ends in January, so there`s lots of time for everyone to enter. However, I suppose I could allow a spoiler to waht happens next...

Anonymous said...

Please do!

ali said...

Please do!

Anonymous said...

Why can't the contest end sooner?! Doncha know who won yet?!

Anonymous said...

why doncha ever write longer nibbles episodes? it isn't fair... i post looooooooooooooooooooong posts if i can on my blog....

Anonymous said...

hey "Dee" Um I know your the person that made up the blog.
So I was wondering If I could buy Rosie's sparkle mirror? Oh and I live on Bloor and I go to Glenview.

Anonymous said...

Yow what the F*** Is this???

divergenthg said...

WOW Ali i've never heard u swear :0

divergenthg said...

OH!! i mean... Anonymous!! yeah.... anonymous. It be crazy if you were Ali, I MEAN ANONYMOUS.... heh-heh?

ali said...

That wasn't me KBrocks...that was a different anonymous

ali said...

Really, it wasn't me, there must be some new, hostile anonymouses who swear for fun...

Dee said...

Hmm, I wonder who Anonymous is this time? Ali, you don't live on Bloor and you def don't go to Glenview!!
Ok anonymous, if you want to buy items like Rosie's Sparkle Mirror then you' re going to need Nibblets. Nibblets are basically hamster points that you can earn by entering contests or helping out other Nibblers.

Good luck,

Dee said...

anonymous; REVEAL YOUR FIRST NAME pleez)

ali said...

Yeah Anonymous, we wanna know who you are

Anonymous said...

Whats it to ya? just cmon and Shut up!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

And fine i wil giv u my first letter!!!!!! its...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... K

ali said...

Anonymous, R U Klara?

Anonymous said...


ali said...

Well R U Klara?

divergenthg said...

IM KLARA!!!!!!! >:(

ali said...

I never guessed u were klara until u gave the hint and then i realized the way u typed sounded a lot like the new anonymous...