Thursday 26 January 2012

The Legend of Zelda (part 2)

If you have ever been to a petstore, than you know how exciting it can be. Nicki was no exception.  "There are so many to choose from!" she cried, staring into a cage. It was true. There were a million different hamsters, all with different colours, sizes, and shapes. She ran from cage to cage, trying to get a glimpse of each one, but there were too many. She smiled at the tiny gray ones sleeping in the corner of their cage and laughed at the big brown ones as they fought for food. She loved them all, so how could she ever pick just one?
Time passed. Nicki had narrowed them down to her three favourites, but she was stuck at a tie. All three of them were beautiful. There was the little black one, munching on a carrot. The fat caramel one, napping on it's wheel. And third, a pretty gold one, just sitting there, watching her. They were all so cute. But she had to pick just one.
"Nicki, we need to get going. If you're going to pick one, please pick it now." her mother said. A stricken look passed over Nicki's face. She turned quickly to face her mother, but something was standing in her way. She took a step back to get a look at it. It was a cage. Inside the cage was a hamster. A wonderful, perfect hamster. She was a beautiful shade of gold, with big, black eyes that stared back at Nicki like a mirror. The hamster squeaked.
Nicki's eyes opened wide. "This is the one," she said instantly.
And so it was.

>>Look for Part 3 coming soon!<<


divergenthg said...

yay! i wanted to take the gold one too! haha but ' the fat caramel one was napping on its wheel' haha that one is funny!!

divergenthg said...

this is my new profile pic! and my new username!

divergenthg said...

i think its a username..?

divergenthg said...

OMG i LOVE how u redecorated!

ali said...


Anonymous said...

OMG I WANT PART 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ali said...

Okayyyyy Dee...why don't you ever do anything on your blogs anymore?

ali said...

So..where is the next one...?