Thursday 5 January 2012

The Legend of Zelda (part 1)

Here's a short story about how our Zelda came to be... but if you want to read more you will have to check my blog again soon.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Nicki. Nicki was a very nice girl, and she loved animals. One day Nicki decided that she wanted to buy a pet. And not just any pet. Nicki wanted a hamster.
She asked her parents, but they didn't like the idea. "You need to be responsible," her mother said. "You need to be caring," her father said. And so Nicki was left without any ideas, unsure of what to do next.
After quite a while of thinking, she finally came up with a plan. She would be responsible and she would be caring. She would prove to her parents that she could own a pet. And so she did. For weeks she worked; she did her chores without complaint, she tidied her room twice a week, and she even scrubbed out the toilets. When three weeks had passed by, she asked her parents again. This time, they recognized all of the work that she had done, and, without the tiniest bit of begging, they agreed. "Tomorrow we will go to the petstore," her mother said. "But for now, you must go to sleep."
Nicki went to bed, but she was so excited that it was difficult to get to sleep. She couldn't wait until tomorrow. What hamster would she get? What would it look like? Would it be a girl or a boy? All of these questions swirled around in her head until she was so dizzy with thought that her eyes began to close. Nicki yawned. Maybe now she would finally get some sleep....

Come back to my blog soon to find out what happens next!!!


ali said...

i like this story

ali said...

Lemme guess...she buys Zelda and then Zelda and Goldie make a fantastic escape

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! so emotional! :3 NOT THIS IS RANDOM

divergenthg said...

lol Tinea i thought dat too! shes gonna buy Zelda isnt she??
oh Dee- who won da write-a-story contest
? it ends today right?

Dee said...

@ KBrocks; what short story contest??? heh heh uh..

ali said...

U know, the story contest where u gave us 4 story starters and we wrote a story? Who won?