Monday 23 January 2012

winning story: NICOLA PURCELL

>> The current time stuff will be in normal writing and flashback in italics. Also it's supposed to take place before the wedding of Nibbles and Goldie<<

 I stare up at the cold, gray sky, I think about Zelda, and I wonder where she could be. I do hope we find her soon. If we don't, what will Goldie do? She'd get so upset if she knew what actually happened to Zelda.....

We were going on a walk, we were having such a good time. Me and Zelda were talking about our wedding and planning it even more. It was in 3 days. I was so excited. Me and Goldie, getting married.
'Yay! My wedding day is going to be the best day of my life!' I thought.
"Nibbles?" asked Zelda, "You haven't talked in a minute. I asked you a question."
"Oh sorry. Daydreaming again. What was the question?"
"What would you like to dance to?"
"I don't know..."

All of a sudden, there was a human right in front of us. They had a net. Me and Zelda both screamed, turned around and started running. Unfortunately, since she had been recently pregnant, Zelda could not run as fast as me. As I was running, looking back every second, I saw Zelda get caught.

"Zelda!!!" I screamed after her. " I'm sorry!!!"
"Nibbles!" And she was gone.

I couldn't even think of it. It was too sad. I do hope we find her soon. We just had to find a petstore.

Thank you again for your entry, Nicki. You did a great job!


ali said...

Oh wow! Nicola, if you're reading this, You will know I think your story is awesome!

ali said...

Look I changed my name, so, this is ALi, you might guess from my name...:D

divergenthg said...

OMG ur story is AWESOME Niki!

ali said...

Dee, which one of my stories did you enter?

Dee said...

ALi the Great; I entered the second one, it was more exciting.

ali said...

I really don't want to sound selfish, but when are you posting my story?

ali said...

Okay. Dee, are you dead? Because you haven't posted anything on any of your blogs lately--not even a comment! And if I don't get a reply soon, I'll be forced to believe you are in fact dead and therefore unable to read or reply. Good day!

ali said...

Yep, you're dead. D-E-A-D, dead. Game over, no extra life, no reset button. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

ali said...

Dee's funeral in five days, people. Be there.